Trusted in some of the most complex space odysseys

















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We provide embedded computer systems to elevate humanity’s key technologies on Earth and throughout space
Our technology is benefiting everyone, from offering precise navigation and weather forecasts to enabling uninterrupted communication across the globe.
MissionsLearn about how we advance technology and push boundaries, everyday
We provide a full ecosystem to support software and digital hardware design for mission critical System-on-Chip solutions
We provide a complete SoC design environment, including VHDL IP cores targeting FPGA and ASIC designs.
Our microelectronics feature radiation-hardened integrated circuits engineered to enhance performance, mitigate risks, and guarantee mission success.
We provide a complete software ecosystem for our LEON SPARC and NOEL RISC-V fault tolerant processor families.
Our systems support integration and testing at every development stage for equipment with SpaceWire, Telemetry, and Telecommand interfaces.
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We support engineering excellence regardless of chosen product path
Our products are built on highly reliable technologies and processes for space applications. They are screened and tested to meet international space standards such as QML Q/V, ECSS9000, ECSS9030, and ECSS-ST-60-13C.
Our expertise covers the entire spectrum of computing solutions —from microprocessor development to cross-compilation, debuggers, and simulators. This comprehensive knowledge allows us to deliver superior products and services, ensuring enhanced reliability and performance.
Since 2001, we have delivered computing solutions for harsh environments, accumulating millions of flight hours. Our team has played a key role in establishing European standards for ASIC and FPGA developments.
We operate at the forefront of technology, combining cutting-edge innovation with a heritage of reliability and quality to support a wide range of applications.
Our support team is the most prepared in the industry, known for providing timely assistance. With a history of satisfied customers worldwide, we ensure prompt and first-rate support and service.
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SupportRad Hard Electronics
Silicon IP
Full ecosystem for mission critical System-on-a-Chip solutions
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