Frontgrade Gaisler AB
Kungsgatan 12
SE-411 19 Goteborg, Sweden
Tel: +46 31 7758650
Company VAT registration number SE556660099401
General Information
+46 31 7758650
This email address is only for paying customers with a support contract.
- When contacting support, please identify yourself in full, including company affiliation and site name and address.
- Please identify exactly what product that is used, specifying if it is an IP core (with the full name of the library distribution archive file), component, software version, compiler version, operating system version, debug tool version, simulator tool version, board version, etc.
- If the product is a processor or other type of component, please also provide a GRMON log file generated with the "-log logfile.txt" command line switch at start-up.
Whistleblowing report channel