The GRSPWROUTER IP core is a VHDL model of a SpaceWire routing switch as defined in the ECSS-E-ST-50-12C standard. The core is highly configurable, flexible and portable to a wide variety of FPGA and ASIC technologies.
The SpaceWire router IP core supports all mandatory and optional features in the ECSS-E-ST-50-12C. It supports from 2 to 31 ports in addition to the mandatory configuration port. Each port (except the configuration port) can be individually configured to be SpaceWire links, FIFO interfaces or AMBA interfaces. The AMBA ports are limited to a maximum of 16 in a single router. The configuration port provides an RMAP target (ECSS-E-ST-50-52C), and an optional AMBA AHB slave interface, both used for accessing internal configuration and status registers. The SpaceWire Plug-and-Play (PnP) protocol can optionally be supported on the configuration port.
Among the features supported by the router are: group adaptive routing, packet distribution, system time-distribution, distributed interrupts, port timers to recover from deadlock situations, and SpaceWire-D [SPWD] packet truncation based time-slot violations.
Additionally, the SpaceWire router can be integrated with the SpaceFibre controller. SpaceFibre ports can be connected to the internal FIFO ports of the SpaceWire router to bridge between SpaceWire and SpaceFibre traffic. SpaceWire data from/to multiple payloads can be aggregated in a single SpaceFibre High Speed Serial Link, all without software intervention.
The IP can be implemented in any ASIC or FPGA technology. For specific information related to Xilinx, Microchip, and Lattice FPGAs, please refer to our dedicated web pages:
Estimation of the resource utilization can be found here: Excel sheet for SoC area estimation
The IP core is available as a separate package or as an addition to commercial versions of the GRLIB VHDL library.
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SpaceWire Remote Memory Access Protocol (RMAP) is an extension of the SpaceWire standard that enables remote access to memory devices, such as memory boards, on a SpaceWire network. RMAP is a high-level protocol that runs on top of the SpaceWire standard and provides a standardized method for accessing memory devices on a SpaceWire network.
SpaceWire is a data communication protocol designed for use in space applications. The SpaceWire links are high-speed, bi-directional, point-to-point communication links operating at a baud rate of between 2 and 400 Mbits/s. SpaceWire is used in a variety of space-based systems, such as satellites and spacecraft. It is also used in ground-based systems, such as spacecraft test and simulation equipment. The standard was developed by the European Space Agency (ESA) and is now maintained by the SpaceWire Consortium. SpaceWire is designed to be highly reliable and robust in the harsh radiation environment of space. It uses a number of error-detection and correction techniques, such as cyclic redundancy check (CRC) and packetization, to ensure data integrity. SpaceWire is also designed to be low-cost, making it well-suited for use in space-borne systems, where cost and weight are major considerations.
At each end of a SpaceWire link is a coder/decoder (CODEC) which encodes packets of data to be transmitted into a serial bit-stream and decodes an incoming serial bit-stream into a data packets.
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