AHB2AXIB - AHB to AXI Bridge - The AHB2AXIB bridge allows to access an AXI3 or AXI4 slave from an AHB bus through an AHB slave interface. It can also be used to connect a standalone AHB master to an AXI slave. The bridge has an AHB slave interface on the AHB side and AXI3 or AXI4 master interface on the AXI side. So if you want to connect an AXI slave to an AHB system, you can use this. Probably not what you want.
AHBM2AXI - AHB Master to AXI Adapter - The AHBM2AXI adapter allows a single AHB master to be used as an AXI3 or AXI4 master. The adapter has an AHB slave interface on the AHB side and AXI3 or AXI4 master interface on the AXI side. This may be what you are looking for but the MIV32 is also available with an AXI interface so is it the case that you need to keep the AHB bus closest to the processor and want to bridge to an AXI system from that AHB bus?
The IP core is part of the GRLIB IP library, and is provided in full source code under the GNU GPL License.
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