The L2C is a Level-2 cache IP core for processors with AHB interfaces. It is configurable to enable EDAC protection for the data and tag memory.
The L2C works as an AHB to AHB or AHB to AXI bridge, caching data that is read or written via the bridge.
The cache is a unified cache and in a system with LEON or NOEL processors, data may exist in the Level-1 and Level-2 cache, or only in the Level-1 or Level-2 cache. A front-side AHB interface is connected to the processor bus, while a backend AHB/AXI interface is connected to the memory bus. Both front-side and backend buses can be individually configured to 32, 64 or 128 bits data width. The front-side bus and the backend bus must be clocked with the same clock.
The IP can be obtained under commercial licensing conditions, enabling proprietary designs and taking advantage of a support agreement.
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The Level-2 cache can be configured as direct-mapped or multi-way with associativity 2, 3 or 4. The replacement policy for a multi-way configuration can be configured as: LRU (least-recently-used), pseudo-random or master-index (where the way to replace is determined by the master index). The way size is configurable between 1 - 512 KiB with a line size of 32/64 bytes.
EDAC (Error Detection and Correction) protection can be enabled to correct single-bit errors and detect double-bit errors. Additionally, the IP core includes a hardware scrubber that can be configured to either scrub a specific cache line or continuously loop through all cache lines.
AMBA SPLIT support can also be enabled.
Data sheet and user's manual
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