The NOEL-V is a synthesizable VHDL model of a processor that implements the RISC-V architecture. The NOEL-V is designed for space applications: with its high-performance and fault-tolerant design, NOEL-V is the ideal choice for satellites, rovers, and other space-bound systems. Built on the RISC-V architecture, NOEL-V offers unparalleled flexibility and customization, allowing SoC designers to create solutions tailored to their specific needs. Software developers have access to a vast library of existing software and tools to help them create the perfect solution. The processor is the first released model in our RISC-V line of processors that complement the LEON line of processors. |
ArchitectureThe NOEL-V can be implemented as a dual-issue processor, allowing up to two instructions per cycle to be executed in parallel. To support the instruction issue rate of the pipeline, the NOEL-V has advanced branch prediction capabilities. The cache controller of the NOEL-V supports a store buffer FIFO with one cycle per store sustained throughput, and wide AHB slave support to enable fast stores and fast cache refill. The NOEL-V is interfaced using the AMBA 2.0 AHB bus (but a subsystem with Level-2 cache and AXI4 backend is also available) and supports the IP core plug&play method provided in our IP library (GRLIB). The processor can be efficiently implemented on FPGA and ASIC technologies and uses standard synchronous memory cells for caches and register file. |
Availability and licensingNOEL-V is part of the GRLIB IP library. The open-source version of the library is distributed under the GNU GPL license and can be downloaded here.
The NOEL-V can also be obtained under commercial licensing conditions, enabling proprietary designs and taking advantage of a support agreement. Please see the GRLIB IP Core User's Manual - Processor license overview for the license types.
Contact us if you want to use NOEL-V in a commercial product. |
Evaluation bitfilesWe also provide NOEL-V example bitfiles for evaluation purposes. FPGA programming files are available for the following FPGA boards: - Digilent Arty-A7: NOEL-ARTYA7 example designs- Microsemi PolarFire Splash Kit: NOEL-PF example designs- Xilinx KCU105: NOEL-XCKU example designs |
Software ecosystemThe NOEL-V processor implements the RISC-V ISA which means that compilers and kernels for RISC-V can be used with NOEL-V (kernels will need a NOEL-V BSP). To simplify software development, we provide several prebuilt toolchains. Currently, the NOEL-V processor is supported by pre-built RTEMS and Linux toolchains. We provide VxWorks 7 BSP for NOEL-V under a commercial license. Over time, the NOEL-V software support will be extended to the same level of support that exists for the LEON line of processors. The GRMON debug monitor interfaces to the NOEL-V on-chip debug support unit, implementing a large range of debug functions including GDB support for source level debugging.Visit the NOEL-V Software ecosystem webpage for all the details.SynthesisThe NOEL-V processor is inherently portable and can be implemented on any FPGA and ASIC technologies. For specific information related to Xilinx, Microchip, and Lattice FPGAs, please refer to our dedicated web pages:
- Specific support for Lattice FPGAs- Specific support for Microchip FPGAs- Specific support for Xilinx FPGAsEstimation of the resource utilization for the NOEL-V can be found here: Excel sheet for SoC area estimation |
Fault ToleranceThe cache memories of the NOEL-V processor are safeguarded from radiation-induced Single Event Upsets (SEUs) through a patent-protected error correction scheme. This scheme is capable of correcting single bit errors, detecting double bit errors, and even detecting 3-bit and 4-bit adjacent bit errors. The correction is implemented transparently in the cache controller without the need for software intervention or extra memory access. Quick Links- Documentation- Development roadmap- Detailed feature set- Software Ecosystem- Download open-source code (GPL license)- Excel sheet for SOC area estimation- DISCOURSE community (for open-source users) |
NOEL-V configurationsThe NOEL-V processor core is available as part of a subsystem that also contains system peripherals. The subsystem can be configured to use the processor configurations listed in the table below. The configurations listed below are the ones recommended by us since they are covered by regression tests. Software toolchains provided by us are developed and built considering the same configurations. It is also possible to tailor additional configuration settings to create custom processor configurations by editing the VHDL generic (configuration parameter) assignments in the subsystem |
Key for RISC-V extensions column:
Configuration |
Required license |
Target |
Architecture |
Pipeline |
RISC-V extensions |
Privilege modes |
Example SW |
HP |
General |
High-performance processing |
32 or 64 bits |
Dual issue |
Yes |
Yes |
Supervisor, User and Machine + Virtualization |
Hypervisor, Linux, VxWorks |
GP |
General (dual-issue pipeline) |
General purpose processing |
32 or 64 bits |
Dual or single issue |
Yes |
Yes |
Supervisor, User and Machine + Virtualization |
Hypervisor, Linux, VxWorks |
GP-lite |
General (dual-issue pipeline) |
General purpose processing Area optimized |
32 or 64 bits |
Dual or single issue |
Yes |
No |
Supervisor, User and Machine |
Linux, VxWorks |
MC |
Entry |
Controller applications |
32 or 64 bits |
Single issue |
No |
Yes |
User and Machine |
MC-lite |
Entry |
Controller applications Area Optimized |
32 or 64 bits |
Single issue |
No |
No |
User and Machine |
*Only the currently ratified parts of B (Zba, Zbb, Zbc and Zbs) are implemented. Several other ratified extensions, such as Zbkx, Zicbom, Zfh, Sscofpmf and Sstc are also implemented. Development is ongoing on non-ratified extensions such as Zicond, Zisslpcfi and Smepmp.
**Please see the GRLIB IP Core User's Manual - Processor license overview for a description of the license types.
Note: Configurations were updated 2022-August-01. The standard configurations may be extended when additional extensions are supported by NOEL-V.
Item | File |
NOEL-V IP core documentation |
GRLIB IP Core User's Manual, see NOELVSYS
NOEL-V Product Brief |
NOEL-V Product Brief.pdf (March 2023) |
NOEL-V is part of the GRLIB IP Library from release 2020.2 There are also pre-built FPGA development board bitstreams available. Additional features for the NOEL-V processor will become available as part of milestone releases. The table below shows the planned milestones. Please note that the future milestone features and dates are tentative.
Milestone | Description | Date |
v9 | Features planned for the v9 release include:
Available |
v10 - .. |
Features in the roadmap for release include: