The GRECC core implements encryption and decryption for an elliptic curve based on 233-bit key and point lengths. The implemented curve is denoted as sect233r1 or B-233.
The GRECC core implements Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) which is used as a public key mechanism and is well suited for application in mobile communication. The ECC algorithm provides the same level of security as RSA but with a significantly shorter key length. The GRECC core implements encryption and decryption for an elliptic curve based on 233-bit key and point lengths. The implemented curve is denoted as sect233r1 or B-233.
The GRECC core is accessed via an AMBA APB slave interface. The core provides an interrupt to indicate when the encryption/decryption of a 233-bit block is completed. The sect233r1 elliptic curve domain parameters are specified in the “Standards for Efficient Cryptography (SEC) - SEC2: Recommended Elliptic Curve Domain Parameters” document. The document is established by the Standards for Efficient Cryptography Group (SECG). The B-233 elliptic curve domain parameters are specified in the “Digital Signature Standard (DSS)” document, Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Publication 186-2. The document is established by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
The GRECC can be used with algorithms such as:
• Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm DSA (ECDSA), which appears in FIPS 186-2, IEEE1363-2000 and ISO/IEC 15946-2
• Elliptic Curve El Gamal Method (key exchange protocol)
• Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) (key agreement protocol)
The IP can be implemented in any ASIC or FPGA technology. For specific information related to Xilinx, Microchip, and Lattice FPGAs, please refer to our dedicated web pages:
Estimation of the resource utilization can be found here: Excel sheet for SoC area estimation
The IP core is available as a separate package or as an addition to commercial versions of the GRLIB VHDL library.
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