The GRSPW_CODEC core implements a SpaceWire encoder-decoder with a 9-bit wide FIFO host interface in each direction. The core complies to the SpaceWire standard (ECSS-E-ST-12C).
The GRSPW_CODEC core implements a SpaceWire encoder decoder with a 9-bit wide FIFO host interface in each direction. The core complies to the SpaceWire standard (ECSS-E-ST-12C). Data is transmitted and received through 9-bit wide FIFOs with configurable depth. The core also provides an interface for transmitting and receiving Time-codes as well as configuring the link properties such as the link rate.
For critical space applications, a fault-tolerant (FT) version of GRSPW_CODEC is available with full SEU protection of all RAM blocks.
GRSPW_CODEC is the same codec as in the GRSPW2 but with a different host interface. Instead of using the advanced AMBA -AHB DMA and RMAP target a simple 9-bit wide FIFO interface is used instead. The host interface consists of 9-bit wide data interfaces to the FIFOs in both directions with accompanying read/write, full/character available and almost full/empty signals. The FIFOs can be configured from 16 to 2048 characters depth. Time-code transmission and reception is also supported using tickin/tickout and 8-bit timein/timeout signals.
The core properties and operation are controlled through a set of signals. They set the link speed during initialization and run-state, link interface FSM timeouts and control operations such as starting and disabling the link.
Compared to the GRSPW2, the CODEC core is useful in applications where the AMBA bus is not present, the source of data does not have an AMBA interface, low area is needed or when very detailed control of character transfer order and timing is needed.
The IP can be implemented in any ASIC or FPGA technology. For specific information related to Xilinx, Microchip, and Lattice FPGAs, please refer to our dedicated web pages:
- Specific support for Lattice FPGAs
- Specific support for Microchip FPGAs
- Specific support for Xilinx FPGAs
Estimation of the resource utilization can be found in the download files below (Excel sheet for SoC area estimation).
The IP core is available as a separate package or as an addition to commercial versions of the GRLIB VHDL library. Contact for licensing information
Data sheet and user's manual
Free download
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SpaceWire Remote Memory Access Protocol (RMAP) is an extension of the SpaceWire standard that enables remote access to memory devices, such as memory boards, on a SpaceWire network. RMAP is a high-level protocol that runs on top of the SpaceWire standard and provides a standardized method for accessing memory devices on a SpaceWire network.
SpaceWire is a data communication protocol designed for use in space applications. The SpaceWire links are high-speed, bi-directional, point-to-point communication links operating at a baud rate of between 2 and 400 Mbits/s. SpaceWire is used in a variety of space-based systems, such as satellites and spacecraft. It is also used in ground-based systems, such as spacecraft test and simulation equipment. The standard was developed by the European Space Agency (ESA) and is now maintained by the SpaceWire Consortium. SpaceWire is designed to be highly reliable and robust in the harsh radiation environment of space. It uses a number of error-detection and correction techniques, such as cyclic redundancy check (CRC) and packetization, to ensure data integrity. SpaceWire is also designed to be low-cost, making it well-suited for use in space-borne systems, where cost and weight are major considerations.
At each end of a SpaceWire link is a coder/decoder (CODEC) which encodes packets of data to be transmitted into a serial bit-stream and decodes an incoming serial bit-stream into a data packets.
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