The Universal Serial Bus Debug Communication Link (USBDCL) provides an interface between an USB 2.0 bus and an AMBA-AHB bus
The Universal Serial Bus Debug Communication Link (USBDCL) provides an interface between an USB 2.0 bus and an AMBA-AHB bus. An external PHY compliant with either UTMI, UTMI+ or ULPI is needed to connect to the USB.
The USBDCL is an AHB master and provides read and write access to the whole AHB address space using a simple protocol over two USB bulk endpoints. The USBDCL is a function implementation that utilizes the GRUSBDC device controller for the USB interface.
The USBDCL protocol uses one IN and one OUT bulk endpoint (in addition to the mandatory control endpoint). Read and write commands to the AHB bus and write data are sent to the OUT endpoint. Read data is returned on the IN endpoint. The protocol is supported in the GRMON debug tool using libusb and provides maximum speeds of up to 30 MBit/s to the AHB bus over an USB 2.0 bus. The protocol specification is freely available so it is possible to develop own applications that utilize the USBDCL.
The IP can be implemented in any ASIC or FPGA technology. For specific information related to Xilinx, Microchip, and Lattice FPGAs, please refer to our dedicated web pages:
Estimation of the resource utilization can be found here: Excel sheet for SoC area estimation
The IP core is available as a separate package or as an addition to commercial versions of the GRLIB VHDL library. Contact for licensing information
Data sheet and user's manual
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