Qualified Software


GRBOOT is a flight system software suite targeting LEON based systems. The purpose of the boot software is to provide initialization, self-test and application loading functionality to payload and on-board computers. GRBOOT is an implementation of the ESA requirements document SAVOIR Flight Computer Initialisation Sequence (SAVOIR-GS-002). The software is developed in accordance with European Space Agency software engineering standards ECSS-E-ST-40C and ECSS-Q-ST-80C, tailored software criticality category B.
GRBOOT is divided into four main parts; initialization, self-tests, standby extension point and application loader. The application loader selects one out of two application images to load, verify and start with optional one of the images as fall back. An interface is provided for users to integrate a custom standby application for low-level maintenance operations before the application loader is executed.

GRBOOT supports the GR740, GR712RC, and UT700 devices.



PikeOS is a real-time operating system with a separation kernel-based hypervisor, enabling multiple partitions for various OSs and applications. It offers performance-optimized para-virtualization on GR740 with minimal changes to guest OSs. PikeOS' separation kernel prevents the spread of application failures and adheres to safety standards like ECSS, DO-178C, IEC 61508, EN 50128, ISO 26262, and IEC 62304. SYSGO customers can access a Certification Kit. PikeOS incorporates a scheduler that combines time and priority-driven scheduling, meeting hard real-time requirements while optimizing CPU usage with pre-configured time partition schemes. Additionally, it provides built-in health monitoring functions, ensuring predictable behavior by intercepting and handling errors and failures according to system configuration.

Gaisler's GRBOOT boots PikeOS on GR-CPCI-GR740 board and on TSIM3-GR740. A PikeOS application can be built and executed on QEMU and TSIM3. PikeOS supports GRMON, a hardware monitor optimized for SPARC/LEON and RISC-V/NOEL-V systems, providing a non-intrusive debug environment. Remote access to the LEON5 board is possible. For the ECSS qualification of GR740, the ISVV process is started to achieve Category A level.

PikeOS is provided by SysGO.

RTEMS SMP Qualification Data Package  

ESA RTEMS SMP Qualification Data Package (QDP) is a pre-qualification toolkit that allows end-users to qualify their space applications on space-qualified hardware.
The QDP consists of a set of documents proving that RTEMS has been developed according to ECSS requirements and verified on the target hardware.
The validation tests are executed on the target hardware. The QDP includes the source code with all components (including the cross-compiler) for developing RTEMS application software on the target hardware. In addition, RTEMS documentation and sample programs are included.
The baseline target platforms are the GR712RC and the GR740 and associated development boards.

This QDP is based on RTEMS 6 in multicore (SMP) mode. For further additions and adaptations, Embedded Brains provides support services.


Wind River VxWorks

Wind River has a long history of providing qualified software solutions based on VxWorks and ARINC653.

We facilitate VxWorks support for the LEON SPARC and NOEL-V RISC-V processors:

- LEON SPARC architectural port (HAL) and
  board support package (BSP) for WindRiver
  VxWorks 7

- VxWorks 7 board support packages for
compliant to 32- and 64-bit RISC-V

- Drivers for all standard on-chip peripherals are

- Development can be done on Linux or
  Windows hosts


Please contact sales@gaisler.com for more information.